"Dementia Disease"
Some researchers estimate that dementia will increase by 100% for 2001-2020 in the United States.
Now a new study provides some suggestions for changes in diet and lifestyle that could decrease some incidence of dementia.
Things like Heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol - - Although no one knows the exact cause of dementia, have identified some risks.
This study is the first to estimate the advantages of eliminating various risk factors for dementia. Dementia, a medical term often misused, isn't so much a disease, but a descriptive term for a collection of symptoms that can be caused by any number of disorders that affect the brain.
It is not a normal part of aging, although common in older people.
Having memory loss (admittedly a common symptom of dementia) isn't enough; doctors look for two or more brain functions being impaired without loss of consciousness.
And the effect must be strong enough to affect daily activities and relationships.
This most recent dementia research included 1,433 healthy adults (over age 65) living in the south of France.
The subjects participated in cognitive testing by a neurologist, all beginning the study and where tested and again in year two, four and seven for the assessment of dementia and / or mild cognitive impairment.
Blood pressure and blood samples were also taken at these visits, and tests of intelligence and to identify any depressive symptoms were also administered.
At the start of the study and all follow-up sessions, the subjects gave information about their medical history and information on nutrition,education, monthly income, the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
At the end of the study, there were 405 cases of dementia and/or mild cognitive impairment.
If the numbers were crunched, the scientists concluded that elimination of depression and diabetes and increased consumption of fruits and vegetables to a general reduction of 21% of new cases of dementia.
Taking away depression alone leads to a 10% reduction, but this is no reason to assume a causal link between depression and dementia.
Increase education should also reduce new cases of dementia by 18% in the general population over the next seven years.
Eliminating the primary known genetic risk factor leads to only a 7% reduction in dementia risk. The researchers believe the message to clinicians is that from young adulthood on efforts should be made to prevent patients from being exposed to risk. Work with them to avoid the dependence of insulin before being on the stage of diabetes. Identify and treat depression when it occurs.
Encouraging literacy and lifelong learning, no matter your age.
Relay on the importance of a balanced, healthy diet to the body.
Research continues to minimize the risk of developing the disease dementia.
In the meantime, know that there's a whole lot you can do to keep body and mind healthy as you age.
But it is better to start today.